

目前显示的是 五月, 2020的博文


使用国内的邮箱自动推送kindle电子书 1、注册163或126邮箱,开通pop3、imap服务,获取一个随机密码,用这个密码用程序登录,来做推送服务 2、kindle会要求二次验证,给126邮箱发邮件【 验证您的Kindle文档】,让你点击确认,才会把电子书推到kindle 3、那么自然想到,用程序自动拉取邮件确认。但是拉取126邮箱的列表,会提示【unsafe login】,原因是网易邮箱有一套非官方的协议,第三方的标准客户端登录就会阻止你。 4、那就换一个sina邮箱试试,但是sina邮箱用客户端推送kindle,没反应,怀疑是sina特殊做了处理。好在sina邮箱可以正常收邮件,并且还可以同步126的邮箱。 5、最后的方案,就是程序用126邮箱发送,然后kindle的二次验证邮件,被sina邮箱同步过去,程序再去sina邮箱接受邮件确认链接。至此,打完收工。 推送网址: http://www.esrrhs.xyz/kindle.html


安装服务器 docker run --name=axigen -dt --restart=always -v /home/project/email/data/:/var/opt/axigen -p 25:25 -p 143:143 -p 9001:9000 -p 110:110 axigen/axigen 然后在邮箱客户端设置imap方式 收信 端口143 发信 端口25

centos cleanup disk space

1. Trim log files find / var - name "*.log" \( \( - size + 50M - mtime + 7 \) - o - mtime + 30 \) - exec truncate {} -- size 0 \; This will truncate any *.log files on the volume /var that are either older than 7 days and greater than 50M or older than 30 days. 2. Cleanup YUM cache The simple command to cleanup yum caches: yum clean all Note that the above command will not remove everything related to yum . For instance, metadata for disabled repositories will not be affected. You may want to free up space taken by orphaned data from disabled or removed repositories: rm - rf / var / cache / yum Also, when you accidentally run yum through a regular user (forgot sudo ), yum will create user-cache. So let’s delete that too: rm - rf / var / tmp / yum -* 3. Remove orphan packages Check existing orphan packages package - cleanup -- quiet -- leaves Confirm removing orphan packages Now, if happy with suggestions given by the previous command, run: package - ...